5 Tips for Properly Sourcing Skin Care Products
You may be very particular about the types of food and drinks you put in your body. But, are you as fastidious when it comes to deciding which products you'll put on your skin? Your skin is your body's largest organ, and a lot of what you put on it gets absorbed and ends up in your body over time! In addition to affecting you personally, many products also contain ingredients that are harmful to the planet. To make matters worse, these skin care products are largely unregulated. Because of this, it's hard to know if you're getting a quality product just by reading the label. If you're feeling confused and frustrated trying to identify the best products, keep reading. Listed below are seven tips that make it easy for you to properly source products and find the ones that are best for you.
1. Look for a Short Ingredients List
When you're buying packaged foods, a good rule of thumb is to look for the product that has the shortest ingredients list. The same goes for your skin care. Avoid products that have a mile-long list of ingredients that don't even appear to be written in English. Instead, look for a short ingredients list that primarily contains ingredients you can actually pronounce.2. Don't Fall for Unregulated Claims
There are tons of claims displayed on the labels of various skin products that have very little backing. Some of the most common claims that you need to be wary of include:- "Natural"
- "Hypoallergenic"
- "Dermatologically tested"
- "For sensitive skin"
3. Avoid Parabens and Other Preservatives
It's also important to avoid products that contain parabens and other preservatives. While these substances are great for extending a product's shelf-life, they're not doing your body any favors. Some of the most questionable preservatives that beauty companies use on a regular basis include:- Parabens like methylparaben, butylparaben, propylparaben, and ethylparaben -- these have been linked to breast and skin tumors and are possible endocrine disruptors, meaning they mimic hormones in the body
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